Magician Lean Principles and Continuous Improvement
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[Music] No
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[Music] yeah
yeah [Music]
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thank you thank you very much all this
thank you thank you very much all this money so little time here we go hi my
money so little time here we go hi my
money so little time here we go hi my name is Stuart McDonald and this is my
name is Stuart McDonald and this is my
name is Stuart McDonald and this is my TED talk thank you very much for coming
TED talk thank you very much for coming
TED talk thank you very much for coming out to just see me this is great what
out to just see me this is great what
out to just see me this is great what I'd like to tell you is I want to
I'd like to tell you is I want to
I'd like to tell you is I want to explain how I develop this act and the
explain how I develop this act and the
explain how I develop this act and the title of it is how I fold Penn & Teller
title of it is how I fold Penn & Teller
title of it is how I fold Penn & Teller using lean principles and continuous
using lean principles and continuous
using lean principles and continuous improvement it's true
improvement it's true
improvement it's true it's true these are some of the some of
it's true these are some of the some of
it's true these are some of the some of the principles that I use like I don't
the principles that I use like I don't
the principles that I use like I don't have a lot of time to get in-depth in
have a lot of time to get in-depth in
have a lot of time to get in-depth in all of them but we're going to start
all of them but we're going to start
all of them but we're going to start with the first one which is direct
with the first one which is direct
with the first one which is direct observation now direct observation is
observation now direct observation is
observation now direct observation is very important because if you have a
very important because if you have a
very important because if you have a problem you have to go to where the work
problem you have to go to where the work
problem you have to go to where the work is being done observe it and then you
is being done observe it and then you
is being done observe it and then you can figure out how to lean the process
can figure out how to lean the process
can figure out how to lean the process out solve problems now I have a lone
out solve problems now I have a lone
out solve problems now I have a lone wolf pictured here behind me because
wolf pictured here behind me because
wolf pictured here behind me because we've all had lone wolves in our
we've all had lone wolves in our
we've all had lone wolves in our workplace who solved the problem all by
workplace who solved the problem all by
workplace who solved the problem all by themselves but they forget about all the
themselves but they forget about all the
themselves but they forget about all the people that are upstream and they forget
people that are upstream and they forget
people that are upstream and they forget all the people that are downstream of
all the people that are downstream of
all the people that are downstream of the problem so when they solve the
the problem so when they solve the
the problem so when they solve the problem no no one is clear how they
problem no no one is clear how they
problem no no one is clear how they solve the problem and in most cases they
solve the problem and in most cases they
solve the problem and in most cases they create more problems both upstream and
create more problems both upstream and
create more problems both upstream and downstream because they solved it
downstream because they solved it
downstream because they solved it without getting the process partners
without getting the process partners
without getting the process partners together now as magicians the reason why
together now as magicians the reason why
together now as magicians the reason why you don't see a lot of good magicians is
you don't see a lot of good magicians is
you don't see a lot of good magicians is because we are lone wolves we are not
because we are lone wolves we are not
because we are lone wolves we are not supposed to tell our secrets so I
supposed to tell our secrets so I
supposed to tell our secrets so I decided to make my act an open source I
decided to make my act an open source I
decided to make my act an open source I opened it up to my audience my friends
opened it up to my audience my friends
opened it up to my audience my friends my colleagues and I've developed a team
my colleagues and I've developed a team
my colleagues and I've developed a team and some of these are engineers some of
and some of these are engineers some of
and some of these are engineers some of these people are actually from Broadway
these people are actually from Broadway
these people are actually from Broadway Broadway production designer magicians
Broadway production designer magicians
Broadway production designer magicians neighbors anybody that would watch my
neighbors anybody that would watch my
neighbors anybody that would watch my act now the funny thing is is that
act now the funny thing is is that
act now the funny thing is is that nobody wants to criticize a performer
nobody wants to criticize a performer
nobody wants to criticize a performer because our egos are so fragile so I
because our egos are so fragile so I
because our egos are so fragile so I couldn't ask somebody did you like my
couldn't ask somebody did you like my
couldn't ask somebody did you like my act and if if I said that I was I always
act and if if I said that I was I always
act and if if I said that I was I always get the answer was great
get the answer was great
get the answer was great but I needed to change the question
but I needed to change the question
but I needed to change the question because I needed more answers I needed
because I needed more answers I needed
because I needed more answers I needed to get to the problem of the act because
to get to the problem of the act because
to get to the problem of the act because it really wasn't as good as I wanted it
it really wasn't as good as I wanted it
it really wasn't as good as I wanted it to be so I changed the question to what
to be so I changed the question to what
to be so I changed the question to what bothered you and that really made a big
bothered you and that really made a big
bothered you and that really made a big difference because by saying what
difference because by saying what
difference because by saying what bothered you me as an entertainer and
bothered you me as an entertainer and
bothered you me as an entertainer and when I'm up on stage I don't want to
when I'm up on stage I don't want to
when I'm up on stage I don't want to bother you I want to entertain you so
bother you I want to entertain you so
bother you I want to entertain you so they started flooding me with ideas and
they started flooding me with ideas and
they started flooding me with ideas and as these ideas started coming I started
as these ideas started coming I started
as these ideas started coming I started uses using process mapping to put my act
uses using process mapping to put my act
uses using process mapping to put my act together on my living room wall for all
together on my living room wall for all
together on my living room wall for all my friends to see I called it offline
my friends to see I called it offline
my friends to see I called it offline rehearsal rehearsal editing what I would
rehearsal rehearsal editing what I would
rehearsal rehearsal editing what I would do is I take a trick or an idea and I
do is I take a trick or an idea and I
do is I take a trick or an idea and I put it over here and then I take one and
put it over here and then I take one and
put it over here and then I take one and put it over there and I would look at it
put it over there and I would look at it
put it over there and I would look at it and before committing the act to memory
and before committing the act to memory
and before committing the act to memory I would say yeah I think that'll work
I would say yeah I think that'll work
I would say yeah I think that'll work and then once I got something to the
and then once I got something to the
and then once I got something to the point where it was either good for an
point where it was either good for an
point where it was either good for an audience test or good for a test in
audience test or good for a test in
audience test or good for a test in front of somebody cut some of my
front of somebody cut some of my
front of somebody cut some of my colleagues online I showed the video to
colleagues online I showed the video to
colleagues online I showed the video to them and that led me to five why because
them and that led me to five why because
them and that led me to five why because all they kept on asking me was why why
all they kept on asking me was why why
all they kept on asking me was why why are you doing this why are you doing
are you doing this why are you doing
are you doing this why are you doing that it doesn't make any sense because
that it doesn't make any sense because
that it doesn't make any sense because we're way beyond what bothered you now
we're way beyond what bothered you now
we're way beyond what bothered you now now they get it they understand and
now they get it they understand and
now they get it they understand and they're criticizing it wasn't critical
they're criticizing it wasn't critical
they're criticizing it wasn't critical anymore it was now director actor and it
anymore it was now director actor and it
anymore it was now director actor and it really made a big difference because if
really made a big difference because if
really made a big difference because if you're not familiar with five why if you
you're not familiar with five why if you
you're not familiar with five why if you ask the question five why what five five
ask the question five why what five five
ask the question five why what five five times a question why you get to the root
times a question why you get to the root
times a question why you get to the root of the problem that you're looking for
of the problem that you're looking for
of the problem that you're looking for by the time you ask the fifth why why is
by the time you ask the fifth why why is
by the time you ask the fifth why why is the near here why is the mirror covered
the near here why is the mirror covered
the near here why is the mirror covered why is that table here why are you here
why is that table here why are you here
why is that table here why are you here who are you where are we and I found out
who are you where are we and I found out
who are you where are we and I found out that I was missing three major elements
that I was missing three major elements
that I was missing three major elements time place and character and once we
time place and character and once we
time place and character and once we figured that out the act got noticed and
figured that out the act got noticed and
figured that out the act got noticed and it started developing at first the the
it started developing at first the the
it started developing at first the the act had an oval mirror and then I
act had an oval mirror and then I
act had an oval mirror and then I changed the oval mirror to a vanity and
changed the oval mirror to a vanity and
changed the oval mirror to a vanity and you can see I have a brown suit there
you can see I have a brown suit there
you can see I have a brown suit there than the brown suit went to like a
than the brown suit went to like a
than the brown suit went to like a vaudevillian character and then I took
vaudevillian character and then I took
vaudevillian character and then I took the the mirror off of the table and I
the the mirror off of the table and I
the the mirror off of the table and I put it on the floor and once that
put it on the floor and once that
put it on the floor and once that happened the producers of Penn & Teller
happened the producers of Penn & Teller
happened the producers of Penn & Teller got ahold of me
got ahold of me
got ahold of me and they said we want to put you on the
and they said we want to put you on the
and they said we want to put you on the show and I'm like oh this is great I'm
show and I'm like oh this is great I'm
show and I'm like oh this is great I'm gonna be on national television with my
gonna be on national television with my
gonna be on national television with my my all-time favorite magicians Penn &
my all-time favorite magicians Penn &
my all-time favorite magicians Penn & Teller and I have to fool them and I
Teller and I have to fool them and I
Teller and I have to fool them and I asked myself the question can I fool
asked myself the question can I fool
asked myself the question can I fool them and I said no I couldn't fool them
them and I said no I couldn't fool them
them and I said no I couldn't fool them so I had this radical idea of continuous
so I had this radical idea of continuous
so I had this radical idea of continuous improvement 30 days prior to being on
improvement 30 days prior to being on
improvement 30 days prior to being on their TV show I was going to videotape
their TV show I was going to videotape
their TV show I was going to videotape my act from every conceivable angle and
my act from every conceivable angle and
my act from every conceivable angle and I was going to do it 100 times in 30
I was going to do it 100 times in 30
I was going to do it 100 times in 30 days and I did now the object of these
days and I did now the object of these
days and I did now the object of these video tapings was to improve one thing
video tapings was to improve one thing
video tapings was to improve one thing after each video session so at the end
after each video session so at the end
after each video session so at the end of 30 days my act would be 100 times
of 30 days my act would be 100 times
of 30 days my act would be 100 times better than it was 30 days before and
better than it was 30 days before and
better than it was 30 days before and boy did it work
boy did it work
boy did it work because the very first time I performed
because the very first time I performed
because the very first time I performed in front of Penn & Teller was the very
in front of Penn & Teller was the very
in front of Penn & Teller was the very first time I performed this act live in
first time I performed this act live in
first time I performed this act live in front of an audience I did it in front
front of an audience I did it in front
front of an audience I did it in front of a studio audience in a contest on
of a studio audience in a contest on
of a studio audience in a contest on television and this is the result of all
television and this is the result of all
television and this is the result of all of those YouTube videos that I sent out
of those YouTube videos that I sent out
of those YouTube videos that I sent out to everybody and yep I fooled Penn &
to everybody and yep I fooled Penn &
to everybody and yep I fooled Penn & Teller Michigan boy fooled Penn & Teller
thank you so I want to leave you with
thank you so I want to leave you with this use continuous improvement and lean
this use continuous improvement and lean
this use continuous improvement and lean principles with anything that you tear
principles with anything that you tear
principles with anything that you tear Garet tear to do tear to do if anything
Garet tear to do tear to do if anything
Garet tear to do tear to do if anything you care to do really well
you care to do really well
you care to do really well whether it's magic whether it's business
whether it's magic whether it's business
whether it's magic whether it's business family organizing your woodshop it
family organizing your woodshop it
family organizing your woodshop it doesn't matter because if you do that
doesn't matter because if you do that
doesn't matter because if you do that unintentional benefits will follow you
unintentional benefits will follow you
unintentional benefits will follow you my unintentional benefit was not to be
my unintentional benefit was not to be
my unintentional benefit was not to be on Penn & Teller it was to be in the
on Penn & Teller it was to be in the
on Penn & Teller it was to be in the World Championships of magic and you see
World Championships of magic and you see
World Championships of magic and you see the results here so use these principles
the results here so use these principles
the results here so use these principles they will work thank you
they will work thank you
they will work thank you [Applause]
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