Amazon, that gargantuan corporation that admittedly rules the retail globe and has inverse how America and the rest of the universe shops, has only had another victory added to their list.

This happened in Alabama where they take a huge warehouse. Here we saw the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Spousal relationship trying to unionize the facility. Unions have go bolder afterward the Biden Socialist Authorities illegally took power afterward a fraudulent ballot and these unions now take a huge friend and loud vox in the swampy DC.

Sniffer Joe fifty-fifty got involved ( he has probably forgotten that by at present! ) and came out in support of the unionization of Amazon. He too proposed, as part of his insane financial plan, to provide $2.3T to an infrastructure program that would rely mostly on union labor thereby increasing Union membership in public and private sector jobs. He is also growing the Federal Government and all the employed growth are unionized jobs. Luckily ( in this context just ) state and local government has had to cut jobs in all sectors due to the massive downturn in the economic system during Covid. This is minimizing the growth of Wedlock jobs despite the Federal regime increase.

Now, here is an interesting titbit you may non have heard. The hypocrisy here will or should amaze you! Jeff Bezos, the extremely wealthy founder of Amazon, is not interested in dealing with unions in his facilities. When he heard at that place was going to be a vote on whether to unionize or not, he banned – wait for it – mail in ballots!! People had to vote in person!! With ID. His reason? He did non trust the security or reliability of mail service in ballots!! He said information technology was also easy to crook!! Hmmmm….. Didn't he support mail in voting with a loud deafening voice, when it came to the 2020 presidential elections and others that would follow?? Hmmmm. 🤔🤔🤔🤔

Workers at the Bessemer warehouse, every bit it so happened, voted overwhelmingly against unionization of their warehouse. 71% voted confronting it. A good number.

This Amazon victory comes on the back of other failed union attempts to increase membership. Walmart and MacDonalds among other huge corporations have also beaten back attempts by unions to unionize their workforce'due south. By paying generally a minimum wage now of $15 an hour there has not been much incentive to unionize and take to pay wedlock ante out of that increment.

Private sector unionization is therefore failing despite spending huge amounts of money in their attempts. Nonetheless, the public sector unionization figures stand up at about xl%, including police, firefighters and teachers.

The unions of today are totally politically motivated. They are openly socialist and some, like the teachers union, openly communistic. Their leadership is overly compensated and live luxury lives their membership could only dream well-nigh. It is not about improving workers lives anymore but well-nigh nationalization of manufacture and removing workers rights. They had lost their relevance in the Trump America but at present may make a comeback equally the Democrats, under the hidden leadership of traitor and testosterone challenged Barrack Hussein Obama, complete the fundamental changing of our ramble democracy. A job he never completed in his first and second term. He plans on finishing it in this, his third presidential term.

The Trades Union movement has always been aligned with the Communist Political party from the 1930's merely has never to date, managed to succeed in turning the membership here in America, into agile Communist Party members, working confronting capitalism and for communistic labor practice controls.

Joe Biden and this evil, anti American administration run across an opening to try change that scenario. We demand to pray he has every bit piffling success as the few pro union Amazon workers had.

God Bless the United states of america of America. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Mentally and intelligently challenged Biden!!