Xoxo Baby Uh Oh Here We Go Anne Boleyn

"The rex has been very expert to me. He promoted me from a unproblematic maid to exist a marchioness. So he raised me to exist a queen. Now he will raise me to be a martyr."—Anne Boleyn

Anne Boleyn was the second wife of King Henry Viii and Queen of England until 1536, when she was executed on charges of conspiracy against the king, adultery, and even worse accusations. Below are tragic facts about the iconic queen and her violent end.

Anne Boleyn Facts

More than Than a Pretty Face

Anne Boleyn was slim and dark, with long blackness hair and brown eyes. Men thought she was utterly captivating—just non merely for her looks alone. Her friends and confidantes knew her as a lively, quick-witted, and charming girl who loved a game of cards and was often the smartest person in the room, even if no one else knew it.

What Lies Below

For all that she was vivacious and magnetic, Boleyn hid a lilliputian-known dark side. Below her jovial attitude, she was moody, sharp-tongued, and extremely quick to anger when she didn't become what she wanted exactly when she wanted it. Every bit we'll meet, during her wedlock to Rex Henry VIII, this temper got her into deep trouble.

A Dainty, Cosy Castle

In many ways, Boleyn's childhood was idyllic. Her father, Thomas Boleyn, was a courtroom favorite of King Henry Vii, and the Boleyns were ane of Britain's top families at the time. Anne and her siblings experienced all the luxuries of their station, and grew up comfortably in the quaint Hever Castle in Kent. But the rest of Anne's life was no fairy tale.

Can't Please Everyone

Not everyone agreed that Anne Boleyn was a hottie. Though many people praised her dazzler, others were, uh, less complimentary: Italian diarist Marino Sanuto glimpsed Boleyn in one case and found himself thoroughly unimpressed. She was "not one of the handsomest women in the world," he said, sniping at her brusk height and "swarthy complexion."

Fit for a Princess

Even as a young girl, Anne made a bewitching impression. While travelling in the Netherlands with her begetter, she caught the eye of the powerful Princess Margaret of Austria. The ruler was and then impressed with her "footling Boleyn" that she made her a ward of her own personal household, and started teaching Anne courtly manners. Merely Anne would just go upwardly from at that place.

That Je Ne Sais Quois

In 1514, when she was barely a teen or younger, Anne became the maid to the new French Queen Mary, then to Mary'south stepdaughter Claude. Boleyn stayed in French republic for virtually vii years, soaking in its cosmopolitan, liberal, and even scandalous culture. When she emerged andreturned to England, the courtiers couldn't believe their optics.

French Connection

When she came dorsum to England, people went particularly wild for Boleyn's exotic, "French" style of moving and dressing. Her continental mode even inspired fashions at courtroom. One of her biggest introductions was the sleeker "French hood" as a head roofing instead of the more matronly and boxy English "gable" hoods.

Cut a Rug

It wasn't just Anne'southward style sense that attracted both men and women. She was famous for her dancing, and no courtier seemed to be able to await away, specially when she was in one of her improvident (and usually brand spanking new) get-ups. "Here," one of her admirers wrote jubilantly, "was [a] fresh young dryad, that could trip and go."

Kissing Cousins

Only as Boleyn poised herself to seduce Henry, she hit a snag that could have changed history forever. To settle a family dispute, her father Thomas Boleyn planned to marry Anne off to her much older cousin, James Butler, in a strictly wedlock-for-money state of affairs. Thankfully for Anne, negotiations halted…and a much more scandalous opportunity arose.

He's Got a Type

Rex Henry Viii's initial interest in Anne was controversial, and not but considering he was already married to Catherine of Aragon. Yous see, not only had Henry never been faithful, he had ever had a thing for Boleyn girls. Past the time Anne arrived on the scene, Henry was already having an affair with her older sister, Mary Boleyn— but it gets even worse.

Mother Knows All-time

In that location were persistent rumors from the fourth dimension that Male monarch Henry Viii had bedded not simply Anne and Mary, just also their mother, Lady Elizabeth Howard. When defendant of this one, Henry protested, "Never with the mother," which even so pretty much confirms he slept with both sisters. Merely come on guys, the man had standards.

Moving on upward

Later on narrowly escaping the doldrums of wedlock with James Butler, Anne found a place for herself firmly within the English court—serving no less than King Henry 8'due south first queen, Catherine of Aragon. I hateful, information technology's not exactly upstanding, merely what ameliorate style to get shut to the King of England than to go through his royal wife?

The New Girl

Anne used her sister Mary's high identify in court—and the king's sleeping room—to her total advantage. She fabricated a stunning debut at the palace on March iv, 1522, dancing with her sister. During the functioning, Boleyn vibrated with magnetic new-girl energy, and we still have records of how resplendent she looked a white and gold gown. Sadly, though, this attracted the wrong kind of attending.

A Secret Engagement

Unsurprisingly, the beautiful Anne got a lot of male admirers after her legendary dance, peculiarly from a dashing man named Henry Percy, heir to the Earl of Northumberland. The young girl chop-chop fell head over heels for him, and they were secretly betrothed. Tragically, it was doomed to a heartbreaking finish.

Star-Crossed Lovers

Percy'southward begetter absolutely refused to back up the match, and the young couple also failed to become whatever backing from Key Wolsey, who was an important figure at courtroom. Oh, and there was the niggling fact that Percy was engaged to some other woman. In other words: They were royally screwed—yet at that place might accept been an even darker reason for the dissever.

Back off, Bud

Some historians suggest that even this early on, King Henry Viii had his centre on the other Boleyn girl. Jealous of the attention she was getting from Henry Percy, he may take put the kibosh on their human relationship, ordering Cardinal Wolsey to forbid their marriage and sever their engagement on hurting of purple punishment.

Let'due south Play a Game

With his rival out of the way, Henry began pursuing Boleyn in earnest in 1526. During this era in England, thirsty couples often participated in games of courtly love: playing difficult to go, exchanging looks and coded messages, and sizing up potential love interests. Anne was an skillful player of the game, which may take been why Henry was fatigued to her.

Rubies Are a Girl's All-time Friend

When Henry wrote love messages to Anne, he included lavish presents to remind her of his affections. His very outset letter included an elegant gilt bracelet that was set with his own portrait, and he often sent over precious gemstones like pearls and rubies—every bit long equally he could stash them away from his wife Catherine, of course.

Hard to Get

Boleyn wasn't immediately taken with Henry, King of England or not. When he kickoff started wooing her, she refused his advances. When he promised he'd promote her from a regular side piece to his primary mistress instead, she even so turned him down. Some say Boleyn was heartbroken over Percy, merely others say she had a much high title than "mistress" in mind…

An Indecent Proposal

After almost a year of trying to seduce Anne to become his mistress, Henry finally gave upwardly and asked her to be his bride. There was simply 1 big trouble. Yep, his wife. Henry was (patently) very unhappy in the royal union, peculiarly about the fact that he still had no male heirs after decades of wedlock. Did that end him? Well…

Piece of Cake

When Henry proposed, both Boleyn and the king assumed that his marriage could be easily annulled. After all, Catherine had been briefly married to Henry's blood brother way back when, and Henry was sure this was grounds for an annulment. Anne, finally won over with dreams of the crown jewels, said yes. This did not end well.

Henry VIII Facts Wikipedia

The King'south Nifty Matter

Of course, we all know now that the annulment was not so piece of cake to get. In fact, "The King's Smashing Matter" downright acquired ane of the most infamous periods of British history. In order to finally split from Catherine, the lovesick Henry also had to dissever from the Catholic Church building, install himself as head of the Protestant religion, and marry Anne on his own terms.

The 7-Year Crawling

It was vii long years earlier Henry could crown Anne as his queen, and he suffered for this in the bedroom. That'due south because throughout this entire time—with ane big exception we'll get to later on—Anne still stubbornly refused to visit his bed. Yep, if yous look at it one way, Henry Eight kickstarted the English Reformation…for the nookie. And that went about as well as you'd imagine.

One Tough Cookie

Anne Boleyn had a rather twisted and droll sense of sense of humor, and in reaction to the many vehement protests confronting King Henry Viii choosing her as his queen, she temporarily took the phrase "Ainsi sera, groigne qui groigne," equally her motto, which translates into "Mumble all you lot like, this is how it's going to be."

Many biographers interpreted this as a picayune arrogant, but it may accept just been her idea of a joke.

Dear Sick

In 1528, Henry 8 nearly lost everything he loved in one barbarous swoop. That yr, Anne nearly perished of the mysterious sweating sickness. The ailment was notable considering of how speedily it could destroy an otherwise young and healthy victim—and when Henry suspected Boleyn had it, his response was utterly heartless.

Get Away From Me

Henry VIII was an infamous germaphobe, and he was particularly terrified of the sweating sickness. Then when one of Anne'due south ladies contracted it and passed it on to Anne, the king didn't want to nurse his lover back to health—he wanted her every bit far abroad from him equally possible. Henry immediately sent her back home to Kent to recover.

All that was left to practise was pray she survived. When she did, he was all the more determined to make her his queen.

Burn Her!

Public stance was non on Anne and Henry's side, and Boleyn was definitely not the "People's Princess." The common crowds absolutely adored Queen Catherine and blamed Boleyn for splitting apart the marriage, referring to her cruelly every bit the "King's Whore" and accusing her of beguiling  him with nighttime witchcraft. This climaxed in a terrifying event.

Accept Me to the River

1 evening while dining at an estate on the Thames river, a mob of angry women attacked Boleyn, convinced she was bringing their rex and country to ruin. Anne had to make a narrow escape on a gunkhole to salvage herself from their wrath…just this same suspicion and anger would come dorsum to haunt Boleyn's tragic finish.

Behind Every Corking Man…

During her time waiting in the wings to become queen, Anne didn't sit around idly. She started taking control of matters of country, and became i of Henry VIII's virtually trusted and influential advisors. King Henry even named her the "Marquess of Pembroke," a title that placed her above all other men and women at court. Merely where she liked it.

That's "Queen Anne" to You

In 1533, it finally happened: After many machinations and even more years, Anne Boleyn became Queen Espoused of England, ruling beside Henry like she always wanted. But the new king and queen were lying to everyone: The power couple had already married each other in ii very private and confidential ceremonies. Well, there goes the land.

No Queen of Mine

Unsurprisingly, Catherine of Aragon was absolutely livid that her upstart lady-in-waiting had turned into a queen, and even though Henry promised her gifts and better quarters if she'd but recognize Anne as monarch, Catherine staunchly refused. Picayune to the terminate, King Henry got a bitter revenge. He kicked Catherine out of her rooms…and installed Anne in the verbal same ones instead.

My Big Twenty-four hours

No one was was extra like Anne Boleyn was actress, and she fabricated darn sure her coronation twenty-four hours outdid Catherine's. Starting on June 1, 1533, the result lasted four glorious days, with Anne wearing a series of covetable outfits the entire fourth dimension, natch. On the final day, Anne 1-upped herself and wore an unforgettable gown dyed regal purple and topped with ermine.

Babe Blues

Afterward her coronation, a now-significant Anne settled into royal life and prepared to requite Rex Henry his long-desired son. All signs pointed to a boy. Almost all the king'south astrologers said the stars mapped out a male person heir, and Anne and Henry were likewise confident they were about to welcome a son. It was not. Anne gave nativity to a piffling girl, sending the court into a tailspin.

The Virgin Queen

Henry may have been disappointed that he had yet some other daughter on his hands, simply history certain wasn't. Anne Boleyn's beginning and only kid would abound up to be the famous Queen Elizabeth I.

Hold Your Tongue

As Queen, Boleyn'south temper became legendary. One time, she was so disgusted and angry with her uncle that she yelled at him with words that "shouldn't be used to a dog," according to one observer. Henry was no fan either: He began to resent her sharp intelligence and her even sharper tongue, demanding that she submit to him as his wife, not as his equal.

Opposite Anne

King Henry 8 and Boleyn'south relationship was extremely volatile, and some characterized it every bit"tempest followed sunshine, sunshine followed storm." Then every time they made up in passionate apologies, another downturn was just effectually the corner. The cracks were starting to show, and information technology's no surprise the whole thing exploded.

Denizen Jane

King Henry always had a wandering eye, and when his spousal relationship with Anne started fraying, he turned his attentions to the pretty, sweet, and comparatively submissive Jane Seymour, who would eventually go his third wife. Merely like with Anne'southward sis Mary, Henry liked keeping it in the family unit: Seymour was also Boleyn'south second cousin.

Endeavour, Try Once again

By 1536, Boleyn was on sparse ice with Henry. She had suffered a miscarriage (or possibly two) after Elizabeth, only was pregnant once again and hoping to give her king a son at last.

Hands off My Husband

Despite their family unit ties, Anne Boleyn and Jane Seymour weren't exactly shut. The significant Anne knew that a relationship was growing between Henry and Jane under her nose, and one 24-hour interval she walked into a room only to detect the treasonous Jane sitting prettily on her husband's lap. Anne's response went down in infamy.

Pitching a Fit

Giving into her notorious temper, Anne reportedly flew into a very public rage at the sight of Jane Seymour lounging atop King Henry Eight. Later all, Boleyn of all people knew that being married to Henry didn't mean she would be married to him forever. Sadly, this burst would have dire consequences for the pregnant queen.

An Open up and Shut Case

In some other incident, Boleyn discovered that Henry had given Jane his picture to wearable in a locket around her neck, merely like the bracelet he had one time gifted her. Fifty-fifty worse, Jane began brazenly opening and shutting the locket right in front of Anne. Once she realized what was going on, Boleyn furiously tore the chain and so violently that she cut her fingers open.

Goodnight, Goodnight

Amid all this drama and stress, Boleyn tragically lost her baby.Merely that'southward not fifty-fifty the worst part. When the attendants looked at the baby, they saw it was a boy. Even though Henry helped crusade the drama, he at present blamed Boleyn entirely for the miscarriages. Many historians agree that this was the outset of the end for Queen Anne Boleyn.

Bloody Mary: The Early on Years

Anne had ane particular enemy who was simply waiting for her to fail: Her footstep-daughter Mary, the future Queen "Encarmine" Mary of England. Every bit the daughter of the discarded Catherine of Aragon, Mary took Anne's royal status verypersonally, and would often publicly snub Boleyn. She was likely overjoyed at the change in Anne'due south fate.

Too Bad, So Sad

When Anne miscarried the baby, anybody else at court seemed to sense that her terminate was near, too. After the regal administrator Eustace Chapuys heard of the news, he patently intoned: "She has miscarried of her savior." Harsh words for a tragic time, merely the administrator'south prediction ended upwards coming eerily truthful.

Finish of the Road

In May 1536, Anne'south luck finally ran out. Later on the loss of his infant son, Henry decided one time and for all that he wanted to marry Jane Seymour and get rid of Anne, just like he did with Catherine of Aragon—merely this fourth dimension,his punishment was so much worse than divorce.

Under Lock and Cardinal

Instead of seeking an annulment from Boleyn, King Henry had her thrown into the infamous Tower of London to await her fate. Upon her detainment, Anne manifestly collapsed from the daze. After all, what criminal offense had she even committed? It was but over the coming days that Henry'due south ruinous accusations came out.

An Enchanting Tale

Male monarch Henry claimed he had been seduced and enchanted into a marriage with Anne, and that she was a witch just like the common people had been saying all along. Merely so he made his most disturbing accusation.

Queen Elizabeth I.

A Royal Mess

In addition to the accusations of witchcraft, Henry also accused Anne of infidelity, incest, and even treason. He rounded upwardly four men, her blood brother George included, and charged them with sleeping with his queen. Boleyn was also charged with p lotting to off King Henry Viii so she would be complimentary to marry one of her lovers.

Quick Alter

Few people know about the bizarre thing Anne did right afterwards finding out she was nether arrest. Apparently the shocked Boleyn went back to her rooms and got inverse into a new gown, an exquisite crimson velvet dress trimmed with expensive fur. This wasn't just Boleyn'southward vanity talking—it was actually an ingenious program.

Dressing the Part

Now living in a dangerous globe where any error could hateful the gallows, Anne knew she had to tread carefully, and the costume change was role of this strategy. Boleyn wanted to brand certain that when the men led her to the Tower, she looked every part the queen, showing Henry exactly what he was going to exist missing. Merely none of this saved her from her utterly tragic fate.

Setting Sons

This is peradventure the most heartbreaking fact of all when information technology comes to Anne. Throughout her iii-year union to Rex Henry, she had four pregnancies and iii miscarriages. In a brutal twist of fate, all of those miscarriages were sons.

Do Not Become Gentle

We may know what Anne Boleyn was thinking and feeling in her concluding, drastic days in the Belfry. The poem "O Death Stone Me Comatose" is ordinarily attributed to Boleyn, and it was equanimous during her very last hours on earth. In it, Boleyn writes about how the execution will release her from her sorrows: "O death! stone me asleep," the verse form says, "Bring me on quiet residual."

Famous Words

Anne Boleyn's most famous quote was spoken right before she went to the cake. She reportedly was chatting with a baby-sit about her executioner and, in an attempt to reassure him, said, "I hear he'south quite good. And I have a very minor cervix!"

Hail Mary

Later four days in the tower, Boleyn bundled up a packet and gave it to her baby-sit to deliver to the king. Information technology was a letter, and her very last to Henry. In information technology, she plead for mercy, writing that "never prince had wife more loyal in all duty, and in all true affection, than you take always plant in Anne Boleyn." She also  fabricated one concluding heartbreaking request.

Ane Last Plea

In her last letter to King Henry, Boleyn begged him to call up of their daughter Elizabeth, and then she humbly asked that Henry, if she was found guilty, would still spare the lives of her brother and the other men accused of being her lovers. It's a gut-wrenching revelation: at her core, until the very end, Boleyn was truly selfless. Simply it didn't go her style.

A Wish Denied

Tragically, Boleyn'southward plea fell on deaf ears. On May 17, her brother George and the other accused men went to the cake, all while Boleyn waited in the Tower of London for her ain grisly appointment.

A Notable First

Boleyn is notable for being the outset Queen of England to exist publicly executed. Once the King's men found her guilty, she was originally sentenced to fire, but Henry always-so graciously inverse it from burning to beheading. He fifty-fifty called in an skillful swordsman to behave out the execution instead of using the boilerplate axeman.

Dressed to Impress

On May 19th 1536, Anne Boleyn walked to her own execution. She was a clothes-horse until the bitter end, and she made sure to face the gallows in style. For the occasion, the prisoner queen wore a dark grayness damask gown with ermine, a scarlet petticoat, and an English language gable hood. Like many of Anne'south garments,these carried a secret message.

You're Going to Miss Me When I'grand Gone

Anne wasn't going to become quietly, and her dress sense proved information technology. As mentioned above, Anne often favored the French manner of hood, just on the day of her execution, she wore an English gable hood instead. This was an obvious sign that she was an English queen. More than than that, only royalty could wear ermine. Anne was making sure to say cheerio as every inch the monarch she was.

The End Is Near

When Boleyn went to the cake, she begged to address the crowd. Her concluding words were poignant. She said, "Adept Christian people, I am come here to dice, for according to the constabulary, and by the law, I am judged to dice…thus I have my leave of the world and of you all, and I heartily want you all to pray for me. O Lord have mercy on me, to God I commend my soul."

As she awaited the executioner'southward blade, kneeling on the block, she repeated the phrase, "To Jesus Christ I commend my soul; Lord Jesu receive my soul."

Life Comes at You Quick

When Boleyn met her infamous end, she was still in the prime of her life. Though Medieval records make it hard to determine, the Queen of England was only equally old as 35, and was perhaps every bit young as 28.

Buyer's Remorse

According to some historians, at that place is one sign that Henry was filled with regret virtually Anne's fate. Though he destroyed all likenesses of her and bankrupt downwardly virtually of the jewelry he had gifted, he actually re-purchased several of Boleyn'southward possessions, and kept more than a few keepsakes with their initials "H" and "A."

Long Alive the Queen

Regrets or non, King Henry didn't shed many tears for Anne Boleyn, and he sure moved on fast. Jane Seymour permanently moved in but 11 days after Boleyn's execution.

Mystery Girl

Because Henry VIII had all likenesses of Boleyn destroyed afterward her end, there are no contemporary paintings of Anne Boleyn still in existence. The only confirmed object we have is a lead disc made in her image in 1534.

Condemned for Not Shipping It

In the days when King Henry was all the same trying to ally Anne Boleyn, one woman turned to prophecy to terminate him. In 1532, a Catholic nun and mystic named Elizabeth Barton prophesied that if the King married Boleyn, he would die and condemn his soul. She was promptly detained, beheaded, and displayed on London Span. She remains the just woman in history to have her caput decorate the span.

Hanging at Hogwarts

In the Harry Potter films, Anne Boleyn's portrait hangs along the staircases at Hogwarts. In the Potter Universe, muggles (non-wizards) accuse Boleyn of being a witch, just she was actually a squib—a non-magical person born to a magical parent. The books likewise suggest that she may have given Henry one or ii love potions to get him to ally her.

Eleven-Fingered Adult female

According to an infamous story, Anne Boleyn had an extra finger on 1 hand. The tales of a bewitching, eleven-fingered queen are alluring, just they're likewise sinister. The depiction came from Catholic Propagandist Nicholas Sanders, who had every reason to discredit Boleyn. He also claimed she had a snaggle tooth and an unsightly cyst on her throat.

Charitable Giving

Despite her reputation equally a conniving witch, Boleyn had a very charitable soul, and she donated to her favorite causes often and generously. In add-on to budgetary donations, she too had her servants purchase large quantities of sheet and make them into smocks and sheets for those people who couldn't afford them.

The Lovers Cried and the Poets Dreamed

I of Anne'south other admirers was the famed English poet Thomas Wyatt, who was creepily obsessed with her. Even though he was already married to another adult female, he divorced her and started trying to rebound with Anne instead, writing pitiful poetry almost her. Really, men simply couldn't end themselves when it came to Anne.

Humble Origins

The Boleyns weren't e'er so well-to-do, and Annewasn't of royal stock from her nascence. Her early on ancestors were really hard-working (though successful) peasants, and fifty-fifty her great-grandad was a humble hatter. Still, he was well-respected and smart with his money, growing his wealth and establishing the Boleyns as the family to vanquish.

A Woman Never Tells Her Historic period

To this day, historians aren't certain when Anne Boleyn was born, then we don't even know how quondam she was when she went to her tragic end. Historians believe she was built-in some time betwixt 1501 and 1507. She also may have been the heart kid: Her sister Mary was certainly older, and her blood brother George was possibly younger.

Baby, You're the Best

Despite her humble ancestry, Anne was of far more than noble nascency than nigh of Henry'southward wives. She stacked above Jane Seymour, Catherine Howard, and Catherine Parr when it came to family clout.

Our Bad, Anne

Though her family'south reputation was all merely ruined afterward her infamous execution, Anne herself was eventually rehabilitated in the eyes of the English court. When her girl Elizabeth finally became queen, people began to see Anne as a martyr for the cause of the English Reformation. Well isn't that simply too trivial, too belatedly.

I'm Always With Yous

Although she kept information technology on the down-low for political reasons, Elizabeth loved her female parent Anne very much. Elizabeth was only ii years old when Anne was executed, and as an adult she quietly honored her and her family unit past taking care of their positions at court, and always kept her mother's portrait in a locket on her necklace.

Secret Ceremony

Every bit noted above, King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn were married in a secret ceremony months before she was officially coronated the Queen of England. Merely every bit she stood beside Henry at the altar, Boleyn kept a scandalous surreptitious. She was pregnant. She had remained chaste throughout their long engagement, but finally gave into Henry's bedroom demands at the very end.

Simulated Charges

Henry may take claimed Anne was treasonous, simply mod historians concord that the charges brought against her were false. The real truth behind Boleyn'south infamous trial is tragic. According to about experts, Henry had her killed merely because she didn't give him whatsoever male person children, and now he had his new toy Jane Seymour to play with.

Mellow Yellow

In Jan 1536, King Henry and Queen Anne got word that Henry's ex-wife Catherine of Aragon had tragically died. Their reaction was then disturbing, information technology'southward impossible to forget. The regal couple was overjoyed at the news, and the side by side day they even dressed up in celebrating yellow clothing to celebrate to occasion.

However, keep in mind that xanthous was also the color of mourning in Catherine's native Spain, so at that place'south a slim run a risk Henry and Anne were merely giving her a respectful homage. But uh, I remember we know King Henry by now…

Black-hearted Adult female

Catherine of Aragon's passing caused one more scandal for Anne Boleyn. When she died, doctors opened her torso to find that her heart had turned completely black. Suddenly, the court began to whisper that Boleyn had poisoned her rival. We now know Catherine really passed from cancer of the heart, and this turned it black, but it just goes to show how much people hated Anne.

Doubly Mourned

In a case of poetic justice—or maybe ghostly revenge—Anne miscarried her concluding child on the very mean solar day of Catherine of Aragon'southward funeral.

Changing Views

Boleyn is truly 1 of the nigh fascinating and enigmatic women in history, and our understanding of her legacy has changed in the centuries since her stop. Over the years, she has gone from enchanting witch, to powerless victim, to empowered adult female in her own right. Now we know her equally one of the most driven and intelligent monarchs of her time.

Sources:1 , 2, 3, four, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, x, eleven, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

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Source: https://www.factinate.com/people/30-head-rolling-facts-anne-boleyn/

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