Can You Change Your Vote on an Absentee Ballot

Nosotros reported the day after the ballot that a surge of votes in Wisconsin in the early morning time after the election put Joe Biden up in Wisconsin:

Voter Fraud in Wisconsin – Massive Dump of Over 100,000 Ballots for Biden All the Sudden Announced Overnight

Now we know this wasn't the only play tricks being played in this state.  Wisconsin clerks may accept unlawfully altered witness statements on thousands of mail in ballots says Dan O'Donnell from News Talk 1130 WISN:

County and municipal clerks and poll workers across Wisconsin may have unlawfully contradistinct witness statements on thousands of postal service-in ballots across the state, "The Dan O'Donnell Evidence" has learned.

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Wisconsin Statute 6.86 provides that an absentee ballot must be signed by a witness, who is too required to list his or her address. If a witness address is non listed, and so the election is considered invalid and must be returned to the voter to have the witness right.

Co-ordinate to the Wisconsin statute this is the case:

O'Donnell notes that the Wisconsin Elections Commission issued a statement in October that was in direct conflict with the police force:

Notwithstanding, on October 19th, the WEC sent instructions to clerks that they tin can just fill in the witness address themselves and then that the ballot would not be invalidated.

"Please notation that the clerk should endeavor to resolve whatever missing witness accost information prior to Election Day if possible, and this can be done through reliable data (personal knowledge, voter registration data, through a phone telephone call with the voter or witness)," WEC wrote. "The witness does not need to announced to add together a missing address."

…Anticipating a legal challenge to this seemingly highly unlawful advice, the WEC instructed clerks to write in these witness addresses in red pen so that they would be easy to find during a recount or audit of the vote.

There now may be no way of determining how many of the absentee votes, of which in that location may be millions, were filled in incorrectly.  The recommendation by the WEC was against the law.  Thousands of votes may be thrown out equally a outcome.


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